The club dates back to the early 1970’s when there was increasing demand from the international sailing community for Niue to be included as a stopover as part of their circumnavigation. Niue was seen as an ideal stopover during the Coconut Run because of the predominant pattern of trade winds.
But as the largest uplifted coral atoll in the world, mooring in Niue presented a whole raft of issues. The only possible mooring location was on the leeward side of the island where, although there was wharf access, there was also fragile coral reef ecosystem that needed to be protected. The only solution was to establish a mooring field to provide security for vessels while protecting the coral below, but the Government of Niue did not have the resources, manpower or skills to implement this infrastructure at the time.
Fortunately, a large group of ex-pats recognized the need for the mooring field and inaugurated the Niue Yacht Club (Inc) as a voluntary association. Over the decades since, many volunteers worked tirelessly pouring large concrete blocks to form the basis for safe mooring points. Frequent cyclones over the years often set progress back, and in 2004, Cyclone Hera virtually dislodged or buried the concrete blocks that formed the basis of the field.
Thanks to New Zealand Aid, through their contribution to the Niue Tourism Office and the Niue Government, the Niue Yacht Club received funding and the mooring field was completed in cica 2010.
Niue Yacht Club’s International standing and reputation prompted the World ARC to include Niue on their circumnavigation route in 2012. This was a significant tribute to the many volunteers who contributed so much to establishing the “Biggest Little Yacht Club in the World.”
Latest News
Thanks to Niue Blue - scuba operator on Niue, an extensive survey of the sea bed was undertaken in March. The first since November 2019 and indicated the loss of mooring locations and damage to the mooring blocks themselves. This presented a major problem that has been overcome by Evan and his team at Niue Blue.

A special thank you" to Terry a founding member of NYC 35 years ago and still involved in the repair and replacement of the potential 20 moorings in our mooring field Without Terry and Niue Blue's support there would be no moorings available and thus no visit of the World Arc starting on the 24th May nor any subsequent yacht visitors.

25 World Arc' yachts with 85 crew will spend approximately 72 hr hours here before sailing to Tonga. NYC also appreciates the support. of. Niue Tourism by refurbishing the ablution block, picture just above the wharf. Through NZ aid local contractors we now have hot , fresh water showers available for visiting crews.

As one crew member noted in a survey in 2019 "The best hair wash I have had since Panama"
Thank you World Arc for continuing to support the Niue Yacht Club and the Niuean economy since 2008. It is appreciated!
NYC acknowledges the support of the Niue Tourism office who have recently appointed a senior staff member to liaise with the NYC and lighten the load .
Watch this space as the new online booking system is almost up and running. This portal will also allow captains to file all crew data on a secure link to Niue Customs and Immigration, thus expediting the arrival process. Beneficial for all.
Keith & Terry - NYC management committee
Book your stay today and start planning your dream sailing adventure.